Joaquin Phoenix is in the process of reconciling with the Academy Awards, after previously calling the race to win one "bulls--t." Phoenix, who is on the short list for Best Actor thanks to his towering performance in "The Master," told Garry Maddox of The Sydney Morning Herald that he owes a large chunk of his success to the Oscars."I wouldn't have the career that I have if it weren't for the Oscars. I haven't been in a lot of movies that have made a lot of money ... and getting nominated for a movie has probably helped my career tremendously," Phoenix said. The star has been singled out by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science twice before: In 2000 for his supporting performance in "Gladiator" and 2005 for his lead performance in "Walk the Line." Phoenix made waves in October when quotes from an interview he gave to Elvis Mitchell for Interview Magazine went viral.Read More...
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